A Apple Pie Anew

A Stop Motion Animation | April 22, 2020 | Created by Patrick Costello | Music by Chenda Cope | Video editing by Alison Kizu-Blair | Technical assistance from Ben Simon

A Apple Pie Anew is a stop motion animation created in March and April of 2020, after the spread of COVID-19 prompted a series of lockdowns in the US and abroad. The source text, 'A Apple Pie,’ is a poem that has been used to teach children the alphabet since the 1700s. It has been rewritten many times over its 300-year existence, adapted to reflect changing times and circumstances. 

The animation begins with a recitation of Kate Greenway’s published version of the poem from 1886. The narration accompanies a handwashing sequence – reciting the ABCs has long been a tool used to ensure proper duration for the task, and in the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic, handwashing was promoted as one of the few things people could do to avoid spreading or contracting the virus. 

The second part of the video updates the poem, reimagining it within the context of the pandemic. This new version encapsulates a specific experience of lockdown and serves as a starting point for a critical conversation about cultural norms and ideas passed down through generations – what things will we carry forward? And what should go out to be composted?


  • Jammed into a Paradox (virtual exhibition), 601 Artspace, New York, NY, 2020

  • Virtual Screening, Great Small Works Theater, New York, NY, 2020

  • Virtual Screening, Black Cherry Puppet Theater, Baltimore, MD, 2020